Lanbao avo lenta tsindrimandry tsy misy fotony dia ampiasaina be dia be amin'ny sehatry ny indostrialy. Compared with standard inductive sensors, high pressure sensors have the following advantages: reliable performance, longer service life, stronger pressure resistance, stronger waterproof ability, fast response speed, high switching frequency, strong anti-interference, installation Simple. Ankoatr'izay, tsy mino ny vovoka, vovoka sy menaka ary afaka mahita tanjona maharitra na dia ao anatin'ny tontolo henjana aza izy ireo na dia ao anatin'ny tontolo henjana aza. Ity andian-tsarimihetsika ity dia misy fomba fiasa isan-karazany, ny fomba famoahana ary ny mizana misy trano. Ny hazavana avo lenta dia ny jiro fanondroana dia afaka mitsara mora foana ny sata miasa amin'ny sensor sensor.
> Nirona vy vita amin'ny vy vy;
> Extendending Distance, iP68;
> Miatrika fanerena 500bar;
> Safidy tonga lafatra ho an'ny fampiharana rafitra fanerena avo lenta.
> Elanelana lavitra: 2mm
Habe> Size: φ16
> Fitaovana trano: vy vy
Open book 01.svg Bika matoanteny
Fifandraisana: 2m pur pur cable, m12 connector
> Mounting: Flush
> Mamokatra VOLTAGE: 10 ... 30 VDC
> Degre de Protection: ip68
> Fanamarinana ny vokatra: ce, ul
> Fleching frequency [f]: 600 hz
Ny halaviran-tena mahazatra | ||
fitomboan'ny | kabone | |
fifandraisana | Tariby | M12 Connector |
Npn no | Lr16xbf02dnob | Lr16xbf02dnob-e2 |
NPN NC | Lr16xbf02dncb | Lr16xbf02dncb-e2 |
NPN NO + NC | -- | -- |
Pnp no | Lr16xbf02dpob | Lr16xbf02dpob-e2 |
PNP NC | Lr16xbf02dpcb | Lr16xbf02dpcb-e2 |
PNP NO + NC | -- | -- |
Famaritana ara-teknika | ||
fitomboan'ny | kabone | |
Lavitra [Sn] | 2mm | |
Manan-karena lavitra [sa] | 0 ... 1.6mm | |
lafiny | Φ16 * 63mm (tariby) / φ16 * 73mm (M12 Connector) | |
Mifamadika matetika [f] | 600 hz | |
Output | TSIA / NC (miankina amin'ny laharana ampahany) | |
Manome volonta | 10 ... 30 VDC | |
Kendrena fenitra | Fe 16 * 16 * 1T | |
Switch-point drifts [% / sr] | ≤± 15% | |
Hysteresis range [% / sr] | 1 ... 20% | |
Avereno ny mahitsy [r] | ≤5% | |
Vesatra ankehitriny | ≤100MA | |
Voltage sisa | ≤2.5v | |
Ny fanjifana ankehitriny | ≤15MA | |
CIRCUIT fiarovana | Fohy-circuit, be loatra ary mifamadika ny polarisona | |
Fomba famoahana | ... | |
Hafanana ambient | '-25 ℃ ... 80 ℃ | |
Mahatanty tsindry | 500bar | |
Voltage manohitra | 1000V / AC 50 / 60HZ 60S | |
Fanoherana ny insulation | ≥50mω (500vdc) | |
Fanoherana ny vibration | 10 ... 50Hz (1.5mm) | |
Ny fiarovana ny fiarovana | IP68 | |
Trano fonenana | Trano vy vy | |
Karazana fifandraisana | 2m contrector / m12 |